Pinal County Board of Supervisors Reflect on Recent Turmoil: Calls for Upholding Democratic Values

At the May 1 meeting of the Pinal County Board of Supervisors, someone said:

“We’re all feeling overwhelmed and upset by recent events: protests on campuses, news about people pretending to be presidential electors in Arizona, and a former president facing criminal allegations in court.

It’s tough to accept that this is what’s happening around us. Instead of ignoring or avoiding talking about these difficult times, we should see them as opportunities to learn.

We can think about our rights and duties, and remember the important values that support our democracy—like truth, openness, and responsibility.

It’s a chance for all of us to really mean it when we say we support our democratic system and our Constitution.

I’ve been involved in government for a long time, and I’m always encouraged when I see how our local Board of Supervisors handles things, even when it’s tough.

Sometimes, the board members disagree, or people from the public challenge us. But we can all speak our minds without worrying about violence, even when we don’t agree.

It’s sad to see protests on campuses turning violent, but it’s just as bad when violence happens at our nation’s Capitol.

These moments teach us about our rights and responsibilities, and remind us that nobody, not even a campus protester or a former president, is above the law.

Let’s use these moments to strengthen our trust in the 248 years we’ve been governing ourselves.

We need to say no to violence whenever it threatens the rule of law—whether it’s on a campus, at the Capitol, or during a political campaign.

And let’s keep working on talking to each other respectfully as we try to make our country even better. I’m still hopeful for the future.”

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