Maura Higgins, a renowned reality TV personality, gained fame through the 2019 Love Island series, where she was coupled with Curtis Pritchard. Apart from her television career, Maura, an Irish beauty, also engages in modeling and has participated in Dancing on Ice. Her romantic life has been a topic of public interest, with connections to various men, both on and off the screen. Recently, she confirmed her relationship with a fellow Love Island contestant. Let’s delve into her dating history.
Curtis Pritchard
Curtis Pritchard, Maura’s Love Island partner, and they secured fourth place on the show. Despite a shaky start, as Maura initially had her eyes on Tommy Fury, and Curtis was coupled with Amy Hart, they eventually found each other. Post-villa, they enjoyed eight months of dating but announced their split in March 2020. Maura expressed that despite their efforts, it wasn’t meant to be. Curtis later revealed feeling hurt and betrayed by Maura’s new relationship.
Michael Griffiths
Rumors circulated in 2020 about Maura dating fellow Love Island star Michael Griffiths. Although spotted having dinner together, the pair clarified they were just friends, supporting each other through breakups. Michael conveyed happiness for Maura and her new boyfriend, harboring no hard feelings.
Bobby Holland Hanton
Maura’s current boyfriend is Bobby Holland Hanton, a Hollywood stuntman known for working with stars like Chris Hemsworth and Daniel Craig. They met through a mutual friend, initiating their relationship in late 2020. Initially kept private, they confirmed their relationship in November 2020 through affectionate Instagram posts. Maura expressed her happiness, claiming Bobby as hers, while Bobby described himself as fortunate and praised Maura’s amazing qualities. The couple has shared glimpses of their romantic moments in Dubai with their fans.
Maura Higgins, a stunning and successful individual, has experienced both successful and challenging relationships in the past. Amidst flings and friendships that sparked rumors, she is currently in a loving relationship with Bobby Holland Hanton. Their public displays of affection reveal a cute and compatible couple genuinely in love. Maura’s journey in the spotlight continues to captivate the interest of her admirers and fans.