10 Things That Are Normal in USA But Weird In Other Countries

1. Tipping at restaurants

In most other countries, tips are included in the bill, so it is not necessary to tip extra. However, in the USA, it is customary to tip 15-20% for good service.

2. Eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are a classic American snack, but they are not as popular in other parts of the world. Some people find the combination of peanut butter and jelly to be strange, while others simply prefer other types of sandwiches.

3. Wearing shoes indoors

In many countries, it is considered rude to wear shoes indoors. People typically take off their shoes when they enter a home, school, or office. However, in the USA, it is more common to wear shoes indoors, especially in public places.

4. Using ice in drinks

In many countries, people do not put ice in their drinks. They prefer to drink their beverages at room temperature or slightly chilled. However, in the USA, it is very common to put ice in all kinds of drinks, even water.

5. Celebrating Halloween

Halloween is a popular holiday in the USA, but it is not celebrated as widely in other parts of the world. In the USA, people dress up in costumes, go trick-or-treating, and carve pumpkins.

6. Eating Thanksgiving turkey

Thanksgiving is a major holiday in the USA, and turkey is the traditional main dish. However, in other countries, people do not typically eat turkey on Thanksgiving. They may eat other types of meat, seafood, or vegetarian dishes.

7. Celebrating Christmas with Santa Claus

Santa Claus is a popular Christmas figure in the USA, but he is not as well-known in other parts of the world. In the USA, children leave out cookies and milk for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve, and they hope to find presents under the Christmas tree.

8. Watching football on Sundays

Football is a very popular sport in the USA, and many people watch NFL games on Sundays. However, in other countries, football is not as popular, and people may prefer to watch other sports, such as soccer or cricket.

9. Using baseball caps as fashion accessories

Baseball caps are a popular type of hat in the USA, and people often wear them as fashion accessories. However, in other countries, baseball caps are not as popular, and people may see them as being too casual.

10. Drinking coffee from large cups

Americans love coffee, and they often drink it in large cups. This may seem strange to people from other countries, where coffee is typically served in smaller cups.

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