In April 2018, Theresa Caputo, renowned as the star of Long Island Medium, officially filed for divorce from her husband of 28 years, Larry Caputo. Despite expressing ongoing love, the couple decided to separate for their individual happiness.
Their 32-year journey together, which included raising two children, Larry Jr. and Victoria, came to an end with the divorce being finalized in December 2018. What contributed to the dissolution of their enduring marital bond? Here’s a closer look at the reasons and events leading to their divorce.
Growing Apart Over Time
Both Theresa and Larry Caputo openly acknowledged that they had grown apart over the years, no longer finding happiness in their marriage. Differences in interests, goals, and communication issues emerged, exacerbated by the pressures of public scrutiny and Theresa’s career as a medium.
Theresa’s unique ability to communicate with the deceased impacted all aspects of her life, making it challenging to strike a balance between work and family. Larry expressed feelings of neglect and loneliness, yearning for the intimacy and connection he missed with his wife.
Attempting to Salvage the Marriage
Before opting for separation, Theresa and Larry Caputo attempted to work through their issues and salvage their marriage. They sought counseling and therapy, dedicating effort to spending more quality time together.
Despite expressing ongoing love and the desire to remain friends, they eventually realized their incompatibility and different aspirations in life. The couple decided that pursuing individual paths toward happiness was the best course of action.
Announcement of Separation in 2017
In December 2017, after months of speculation and rumors, Theresa and Larry Caputo publicly announced their legal separation. Their joint statement to People magazine emphasized their enduring love for each other and their commitment to supporting their two children. The couple also shared their feelings and struggles with fans on their show, Long Island Medium, expressing sadness and heartbreak while hoping to find peace and happiness.
Finalization of Divorce in 2018
The divorce process concluded in December 2018, a year after their initial separation. Theresa and Larry Caputo expressed relief and happiness at closing this chapter of their lives, harboring no hard feelings or regrets.
They maintained a positive outlook, emphasizing their gratitude for the time spent together and the lessons learned. Despite parting ways romantically, they affirmed their commitment to co-parenting their children and remaining a family in that sense.
Moving Forward with New Partners
Post-divorce, Theresa and Larry Caputo moved on with new partners. Theresa found companionship in Lou, a man she met through a friend, praising his support and understanding of her unique abilities. Larry began dating Connie, a woman he met at a barbecue, citing her sweetness, kindness, and shared interests. Both expressed contentment and happiness in their new relationships.
Theresa and Larry Caputo’s divorce, while a sad and surprising event for many Long Island Medium fans, marked the end of a 28-year marriage. Despite efforts to work through their differences, the couple chose separate paths due to growing apart and unhappiness in their relationship.
The official announcement came in 2017, with the divorce finalized in 2018. Despite the conclusion of their romantic journey, both Theresa and Larry moved on with new partners, expressing happiness and peace in their respective lives.